The judicial harassment of essayist, editor and researcher Alina Bárbara López Hernández in connection with her writing and activism continued in 2024 (See Case List 2023/2024).  

In April 2024, López was  detained for several hours. She lodged a complaint against the police in relation to injuries sustained during her arrest; her complaint was dismissed.  

On 18 June 2024, López Hernández was again briefly detained for 11 hours along with a colleague while travelling to Havana for their monthly peaceful protest against censorship by the Cuban authorities and calling for reform. López Hernández was charged with 'attempt to assault police officers in the line of duty’ under Article 182 of the Penal Code which carries a penalty of three to eight years imprisonment. PEN International believes that López Hernández was charged with a criminal offence in an attempt to limit her activities that are critical of the government. 

According to López Hernández, when she asked for the reasons for her detention, the police physically assaulted her, and forcefully pushed her into a police car. During the struggle, López Hernández grabbed and partially tore one of the policemen’s uniform, the basis for her charge.  Police officers also threatened her with further violence and imprisonment 

On 12 September 2024, López Hernández was expelled from the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) after she was accused of ‘carrying out activities against the revolution,’ and ‘showing solidarity with the July 11 movement.’ PEN International called for an end to her harassment. 

Alina Bárbara López Hernández, born in Matanzas in1965, is an essayist, editor and researcher. She works for Ediciones Matanzas publishing house. She is the author of several books of essays such as Segundas Lecturas. Intelectualidad, política y cultura en la República burguesa (Second Readings. Intellectuality, politics and culture in the bourgeois Republic), En tiempos de blogosfera (In times of blogosphere), and El (des) conocido Juan Marinello (The (un)Known Juan Marinello). She has been awarded prizes such as the 2008 Juan Marinello National Essay Prize and the 2013 Matanzas City Foundation Prize; National Prize of Cultural Investigation 2014. The judicial harassment of essayist, editor and researcher Alina Bárbara López Hernández in connection with her writing and activism continued in 2024 (See Case List 2023/2024).  

In April 2024, López was  detained for several hours. She lodged a complaint against the police in relation to injuries sustained during her arrest; her complaint was dismissed.  

On 18 June 2024, López Hernández was again briefly detained for 11 hours along with a colleague while travelling to Havana for their monthly peaceful protest against censorship by the Cuban authorities and calling for reform. López Hernández was charged with 'attempt to assault police officers in the line of duty’ under Article 182 of the Penal Code which carries a penalty of three to eight years imprisonment. PEN International believes that López Hernández was charged with a criminal offence in an attempt to limit her activities that are critical of the government. 

According to López Hernández, when she asked for the reasons for her detention, the police physically assaulted her, and forcefully pushed her into a police car. During the struggle, López Hernández grabbed and partially tore one of the policemen’s uniform, the basis for her charge.  Police officers also threatened her with further violence and imprisonment 

On 12 September 2024, López Hernández was expelled from the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) after she was accused of ‘carrying out activities against the revolution,’ and ‘showing solidarity with the July 11 movement.’ PEN International called for an end to her harassment. 

Alina Bárbara López Hernández, born in Matanzas in1965, is an essayist, editor and researcher. She works for Ediciones Matanzas publishing house. She is the author of several books of essays such as Segundas Lecturas. Intelectualidad, política y cultura en la República burguesa (Second Readings. Intellectuality, politics and culture in the bourgeois Republic), En tiempos de blogosfera (In times of blogosphere), and El (des) conocido Juan Marinello (The (un)Known Juan Marinello). She has been awarded prizes such as the 2008 Juan Marinello National Essay Prize and the 2013 Matanzas City Foundation Prize; National Prize of Cultural Investigation 2014. 


