Arnon Nampha

A poet and human rights lawyer, Arnon Nampha is serving a cumulative sentence of 18 years and 10 months in prison following a series of trials in which he was convicted of six counts of violating Article 112 (lèse-majesté) of the Thai Criminal Code in connection with his peaceful expression and participation in demonstrations that took place throughout 2020 and 2021. Nampha faces eight additional counts of lèse-majesté, which could each result in a maximum sentence of 15 years’ imprisonment, per count and is at risk of disbarment (see Case Lists 2020 – 2023/2024).

As an activist lawyer, Nampha has a reputation for taking on challenging cases involving the violation of human rights by the Thai government. He was first arrested on 7 August 2020 for his participation in peaceful protests calling for reform of the Thai monarchy and an end to the use of lèse-majesté (royal defamation) laws. Nampha continued to participate in public rallies and was frequently detained, ultimately spending 337 days in prison until his release on bail on 28 February 2022. The Thai government has also continued its efforts to advance disbarment proceedings against Nampha, including allegations by the Bangkok Criminal Court that his ongoing representation of his clients while wearing a prison uniform is a violation of the dress code.

The case against Nampha is a significant test of Thailand’s legal system and its commitment to the right to freedom of expression, which is explicitly extended to lawyers under Article 23 of the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers.

Arnon Nampha, born on 18 August 1984, has emerged as a leader of Thailand’s protest movement, and also uses his poetry to shine a light on the struggles faced by those who have been marginalised within Thailand.  A collection of his poetry, entitled People are Blind and Mute No Longer (translated) was released to coincide with the fifth anniversary of the 2006 military coup. In 2021, PEN International published English translations of two booklets which contain speeches made by Nampha during the 2020 protests.


Pham Doan TRANG
