In 2024, authorities attempted to censor the book Las aventuras de la China Iron (The adventures of China Iron), written by writer and journalist Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, on the grounds that it contained sexually explicit content inappropriate for students.
In November 2024, it was revealed that the Natalio Morelli Foundation had filed a criminal complaint against the Director of Education of the Province of Buenos Aires for the distribution of the book, along with some works by other authors, in schools in the city of Buenos Aires. Vice President Victoria Villarruel, described these works as 'degrading and immoral' and demanded that they be withdrawn from the classroom.
Writer and journalist, Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, born in San Isidro, Buenos Aires on 4 November 1968, is considered one of the most prominent figures in contemporary Argentine and Latin American literature, as well as being a well-known intellectual, feminist and environmentalist. Her books include La virgen cabeza (Eterna Cadencia 2009), (published in English as Slum Virgin, by Charco Press, 2017), Romance de la negra rubia (Romance of the Black Blonde, Eterna Cadencia, 2014), and Las aventuras de la China Iron (Penguin Random House, 2017) (published in English as The Adventures of China Iron, Charco Press, 2019). She has also written a novella: Le viste la cara a Dios (You’ve Seen God’s Face, 2011).