Key dates

War, Censorship, and Persecution: PEN International Case List 2023/2024 - Virtual Launch
Join us for the virtual launch of War, Censorship, and Persecution: PEN International Case List 2023/2024, where we will delve into the critical issues facing writers and activists worldwide. Launching on World Poetry Day, this event will be moderated by Ege Dündar, writer, activist, and Board Member of PEN International, and feature insightful discussions and presentations from prominent voices in the literary and human rights community.
· Ma Thida, writer, activist, and Chair of PEN International’s Writers in Prison Committee
· Fatena Al-Ghorra, Palestinian poet
· Tania Bruguera, Cuban artist, author, and academic
· Marko Vidojković, Serbian writer and journalist
"This vulnerability of and risk to creatives, including writers, whose writerly outputs inevitably jettison them onto the frontline, akin to those working in journalism or those defending human rights, requires urgent attention." - Ma Thida, Chair of PEN International’s Writers in Prison Committee.
Our Case List is a yearly document of violations against writers: what happened, where, and by whom. It covers writers of fiction and non-fiction, publishers, journalists, academics, poets, playwrights, songwriters, and translators – anyone who works with the written word.
Join us for this important conversation on the state of freedom of expression and human rights around the world.

PEN International Woman Writers Committee Annual Meeting
The PEN International Women Writers Committee (PIWCC) is hosting its annual meeting, 8th March 2024, International Women’s Day.
The world evolving around us in one of conflict and enormous human tragedy. In this context, we are focused on the role women play in working for peace - especially women writers. This path is one all PEN members are dedicated to in their commitment to the PEN Charter.
PEN Centres are invited to join us online on March 8th to celebrate the achievements of women writers from across the PEN movement.
Click HERE to register, deadline is March 3.
Session 1. Friday, 8 March, 14:00-16:00 London time
Room Opening 30min ahead of the starting time.
1. Start: Housekeeping
2. Empty Chair
3. Keynote address Including Chat Q&A
4. WWC Chair’s updates
5. 2024 WWC Chair Elections Opportunity for aspiring nominees to address the meeting
6. Know Her Words Presentation Including Chat Q&A
7. Centre Updates Break: 16:00-16:10 PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME
Session 2. Wednesday, March 8, Poetry Session, 16:10-17:10 London time
8. Poet Empty Chair
9. Poetry Reading session
10. Chair’s thanks and farewell
Practical information
The sessions will be held online as a closed, invitation-only meeting. Further details and technical information will be communicated to confirmed participants closer to the meeting.
The sessions will be recorded by the Secretariat for reporting purposes only and will not be broadcast or published later.
This meeting will be organised under the Chatham House Rule, and participants will not be allowed to record.
The sessions will be held in English only. Unfortunately, no interpretation can be provided. We apologise for this inconvenience.

Day of the Imprisoned Writer: Alaa Abd El-Fattah and Jimmy Lai
Join English PEN and PEN International at the Frontline Club to mark the Day of the Imprisoned Writer
To mark the 2023 Day of the Imprisoned Writer, a panel of speakers close to two British citizens and PEN cases will discuss the circumstances of their unjust imprisonment, including the British government’s action – or lack of – to date.
Alaa Abd El-Fattah is a writer, political activist and software developer and, arguably, the most high-profile political prisoner in Egypt. Jimmy Lai is a veteran human rights activist, writer, and owner of the now-defunct Apple Daily newspaper.
The discussion will cover the circumstances and context of each case, the British government’s shortcomings in helping citizens imprisoned abroad for exercising their right to free expression, and what needs to happen going forward to ensure both individuals' safe release from prison.
This event will take place on the eve of the Day of the Imprisoned Writer (15 November) when PEN members and supporters across the globe come together to take action in support of writers in prison or otherwise at risk.
Speakers include:
Tatyana Eatwell
Tatyana is an international lawyer and Head of Doughty Street International. She has acted in a number of cases involving the arbitrary detention of British nationals abroad and is a member of the international legal team for Jimmy Lai and Sebastien Lai. Other notable instructions include the case of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, British-Iranian dual national arbitrarily detained for six years in Iran and released in March 2022 and Nizar Zakka, Lebanese citizen and US permanent resident, arbitrarily detained in Iran for nearly 4 years and released in June 2019. Tatyana has given expert evidence to the UK Foreign Affairs Committee and United Nations Human Rights Council Special Procedures on issues concerning State hostage-taking, consular access and diplomatic protection. Her expertise also includes matters concerning the safety of journalists. Past and current cases include those of Shireen Abu Akleh and Yasser Murtaja and Others, Palestinian journalists killed or seriously injured whilst working in Palestine; Christopher Allen, photojournalist killed in South Sudan in 2017; and Anton Hammerl, photojournalist disappeared in Libya in April 2011.
Richard Ratcliffe
Richard Ratcliffe is the husband of British national Nazanin Zaghari-Ractliffe, who was held hostage by Iran for six years and released in March 2022. Richard spearheaded the “Free Nazanin” campaign and relentlessly advocated for his wife's release and her return to the United Kingdom.
Sanaa Seif
Sanaa Seif is a British-Egyptian film editor and human rights activist known for her activism during and after the 2011 Egyptian revolution. Sanaa was an editor on the Oscar-nominated documentary, The Square, which details the Egyptian revolution from 2011 to 2013 through the perspective of young activists. Sanaa has been imprisoned by the Egyptian authorities three times for political activism and has had international cultural supporters launch campaigns for her release. She is the sister of imprisoned writer, Alaa Abd el-Fattah, and leads on the international campaign for his release.

PEN International is delighted to invite you to WRITERS IN DANGER: BEARING WITNESS, PEN SOLIDARITY IN ACTION at Frankfurt Bookfair 2023.
Thursday 19 October
11am - 12pm CEST / 10-11am UK time
Frankfurt Pavilion
With panellists: Burhan Sonmez (President, PEN International), Tanja Tuma (President, PEN Slovenia), Astrid Vehstedt (Vice President, Writers-in-Exile Officer, PEN Germany), Afghan journalist and writer (anonymous for security reasons). Moderated by Paul Julien (PEN International).
The event will also be live-streamed on Frankfurt Bookfair’s Youtube channel.

Toxic Narratives. Silencing Expression in the Western Balkans
Bosnian below.
18 October 2023, 7pm-8pm
Bosnian Cultural Centre, Branilaca Sarajeva 24, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The panel discussion will shed light on the myriad of challenges faced by independent writers and journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Serbia.
With panellists: Professors Lejla Turčilo and Belma Buljubašić, authors of the report, Milan Marković (Secretary General of the Montenegrin PEN Centre), Andrea Lešić-Thomas (PEN Bosnia and Herzegovina), and Romana Cacchioli (Executive Director of PEN International). Moderated by journalist Nidz̆ara Ahmetas̆ević.
RSVP: [email protected]
18 Oktobar 2023, 7pm-8pm
Bosnian Cultural Centre, Branilaca Sarajeva 24, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Ova panel diskusija će rasvijetliti bezbroj izazova sa kojima se suočavaju nezavisni pisci i novinari.
Panelisti: profesorice Lejla Turčilo i Belma Buljubašić, Milan Marković (PEN Centar Crna Gora), Romana Cacchioli (PEN International), Andrea Lešić Thomas (PEN Bosna i Hercegovina). Moderira Nidžara Ahmetašević.
RSVP: [email protected]

FICTION OF REALITY: Misinformation and Disinformation
FICTION OF REALITY: Misinformation and Disinformation
In an age where much of our lives take place online, our growing dependency on digital technologies leaves us increasingly vulnerable to the threats posed by disinformation and misinformation.
Social media platforms have transformed how we communicate, allowing us to instantly connect with like-minded people across the globe, providing a sense of belonging and community. However, at a time of declining public trust in news media, social media platforms have also been a fertile ground for the viral propagation of disinformation and misinformation, undermining public trust and stoking polarization.
Bad actors, both state and non-state, increasingly use our online presence against us, exploiting our personal data to mount targeted disinformation campaigns intended to exacerbate societal divisions or manipulate public sentiment.
This panel will discuss the impact of dis/misinformation on society, including its role in conflict and its potential to undermine our shared sense of reality, and how it can be addressed while protecting the right to freedom of expression

Truth of Fiction: Writers Documenting Reality
Truth of Fiction: Writers Documenting Reality
Join us for a captivating discussion on the intersection of truth and fiction in 'Truth of Fiction: Writers Documenting Reality.' In this conversation, our renowned panelists will delve into the art of capturing reality through storytelling. These authors will highlight the role of words in shedding light on the world's most pressing issues, and uncovering hidden truths often missed by conventional documentation.
Guest speakers: Philippe Sands, Volodymyr Yermolenko, Mirza Waheed and Christina Lamb.
Moderated by Olha Mukha.

Freedom of Expression in Egypt: UNHRC Side Event
In collaboration with English PEN, PEN International is holding a Side Event on the 18th of September (3-4pm UK, 4-5pm Geneva) during the 54th HRC session to highlight the dire condition of human rights and freedom of expression in Egypt and to prompt the international community to bring human rights concerns to the centre of their bilateral and multilateral fora with Egypt.
Twelve years ago, the Egyptian Revolution brought hope for democracy and respect for human and civil rights. This hope was quickly crushed in Egypt, and the situation only worsened. Since President Al-Sisi seized power in 2014, the country has slipped into an unprecedented human rights crisis, where scores of journalists, human rights defenders, activists, writers, poets, and bloggers have been arbitrarily arrested, detained for prolonged periods without trials, and faced trumped-up charges solely in relation to their work or critical views. Writers, poets, and journalists have been specifically targeted in an effort to silence them and spread a climate of fear.

Cuba: 5 Years After the Universal Periodic Review (UPR)
In November 2023, the Cuban state will be evaluated on its human rights record as part of the fourth cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). In the lead-up to the UPR, local and international civil society will participate in the UPR Pre-session, an event that consists of a panel of representatives from civil society organisations, specialized in a broad range of subjects. The panel provides an all-encompassing perspective to the international community concerning the unique problems present in the country under evaluation.
To further address the deterioration of free expression and complement the themes highlighted during the official pre-session, PEN International, Artists at Risk Connection, Race & Equality, Civil Rights Defenders, and other organisations will host a side event during the pre-session week for Cuba in Geneva. Civil society representatives and members of the InterAmerican and international human rights communities will participate in the side event, promoting discussion among various actors on the evolution of civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights in Cuba since the last Universal Periodic Review.
The event will be in Spanish, with English interpretation.
Event schedule
Welcome and opening remarks
Alicia Quiñones, PEN International
The state of minorities in Cuba
Laritza Diversent, Cubalex
Labor and union rights
Yaxys Cires Dib, Observatorio Cubano de Derechos Humanos
What is the state of free expression in Cuba, 5 years after the last UPR?
Claudia Ordoñez, ARTICLE 19
The status of journalists in Cuba
Mario Luis Reyes, Independent journalist
Artistic freedom
Nonardo Perea, Independent artist
From the perspective of the InterAmerican system: What is the current state of human rights in Cuba, five years after the last UPR?
Livia Lemos, IACHR
Closing remarks

The final Q&A of the series, join esteemed writer Lemn Sissay MBE in conversation with journalist and podcaster Hattie Crisell.

Join PEN International President and writer Burhan Sonmez and lawyer and human rights campaigner Stella Assange in live conversation, moderated by Hattie Crisell.

The Cost of Repression: The Systemic Silencing of Writers and Artists in Times of Crisis
Side event at the 53rd session of the Human Rights Council
7 July, 2023 from 14:00 to 15:00
Room XXV
This side event at the UN Human Rights Council’s 53rd session, co-organized by PEN International and PEN America, aims to raise awareness among member States and civil society of the deteriorating human rights situation of the creative sector during crisis. Through case studies from Iran and Belarus, renowned speakers will highlight the impact on the creative sector, including on writers and artists, and appeal to the international community for a comprehensive and coordinated response for protection and human rights in emergency situations.

PEN International and The Pillowman invite you to a live conversation with celebrated writers Mona Arshi and Ben Okri, moderated by journalist and podcaster, Hattie Crisell.

Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee Annual Meeting 2023 Online
23-24 June (Friday-Saturday)
One year into the Decade of the Indigenous Languages, the importance of linguistic rights is clearer than ever. Support for literary creation, publication, and distribution in every language is vital, as is translation as a bridge to the rest of the world. Making silenced languages visible, the Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee of PEN International has already gathered more than 110 video poems in as many languages from every continent, showcasing the diversity and richness of linguistic traditions.
Linguistic rights refer to the rights of individuals and communities to use, preserve, and develop their languages. At our annual meeting on 23 and 24 June, we will explore these challenges as well as gaps in digital technologies and tools.

55th International Writers for Peace Committee Meeting
PEN International is delighted to invite its Centres to the 55th International Writers for Peace Committee Meeting of Writers in Bled, 15th - 18th May 2023.

PEN International Writers in Prison Committee Annual Meeting
The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International works on behalf of persecuted writers worldwide. It was established in 1960 in response to increasing attempts to silence voices of dissent by imprisoning writers and journalists.
Working on behalf of persecuted writers worldwide, the WiPC campaigns on scores of cases across the globe each year, promoting PEN International’s annual Case List. In addition to its work on behalf of individual writers, the Committee supports campaigns on issues affecting freedom of expression, including all forms of censorship, Criminal Defamation, Blasphemy, and Hate Speech along with specific country-focused campaigns on for example China, Cuba, Egypt, Iran, Myanmar, and Turkey.

Writing in War: Ukrainian Writers Speak
Celebrated Ukrainian writer Victoria Amelina and journalist Tetyana Teren explore the role of writers during times of war and grapple with the question of art’s place amid nationwide destruction. They reflect on whether writers carry a responsibility to focus their literary gaze on the violence surrounding them and how continuing to write and publish can itself be a form of resistance. With the invasion of Ukraine now into a second year, they consider how writers have responded to the war in different ways, and how writing and form continue to evolve as a means of processing trauma on an individual and collective basis.
Victoria and Tetyana appear in conversation with Claire Armitstead from the Guardian.
Tickets are free to book, with a limit of two per booking.
This event is part of the Ukraine Guest Spotlight Country at the London Book Fair and is presented by British Council, British Library, English PEN, PEN International, PEN Ukraine, the Ukrainian Book Institute and the Ukrainian Institute.

Dialogues on War: Oleksandra Matviichuk and Anne Applebaum
On February 24 the armed forces of the Russian Federation carried out a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Today, the whole world is talking about it. In order to comprehend the events of the last year, PEN International and PEN Ukraine launched a series of conversations #DialoguesOnWar.
Speakers of the 42d episode:
– Oleksandra Matviichuk, head of the Center for Civil Liberties, Nobel Peace Prize 2022
– Anne Applebaum, historian, author
Hosted by Olha Mukha, Congresses, Committees & New Centers Manager at PEN International.

PEN International CASE LIST – virtual launch event
PEN International is delighted to invite you to the virtual launch of its 2022 CASE LIST, which documents 115 cases of writers facing harassment, arrest, violence and even death.
Join us live on 21 March at 1pm GMT.

PEN International Woman Writers Committee Annual Meeting
The PEN International Women Writers Committee (PIWCC) is hosting its annual meeting March 10-11, 2023, online.
Five months since the tragic passing of Kurdish woman Jina Mahsa Amini – who died after two and half days in a coma after the Iranian morality police arrested her for not wearing a hijab correctly- women and men of all ages continue rallying against the needless death of this young woman and the broader repression it represents.
Please join us to discuss the challenges faced by women globally, as they exercise their right to freedom of expression, and identify approaches to overcome these.
Click HERE to register, deadline is the 5th of March 2023.
Day 1. Friday, March 10, 13:00-16:00 UK time
· Empty Chair #1
· Keynote address by Ma Thida, Chair of PEN International’s Writers in Prison Committee
· In Memoriam of: writer and formed Chair of the Women Writers Committee (1994-96) Greta Rana; and writer and activist Meredith Tax
· Chair’s Report[ST1]
· Workshop: The power of Social Media- by Judyth Hill, President of PEN San Miguel
· PEN International Policy on Sexual Harassment by Zoe Rodriguez, Chair, PEN International Women Writers Committee
· Wrap on VIDA Count by Tanja Tuma, PEN International Board Member
· Innovations: Top 10 works by women writers across PEN Centres
· Panel Discussion: Freedom of expression in Afghanistan and Iran
· Closing remarks by Zoe Rodriguez, Chair, PEN International Women Writers Committee
Day 2. Saturday, March 11, 13:00-16:00 UK time
· Empty Chair #2
· Keynote Address Reports from Centres
· Empty Chair #3
· (Iranian) Poetry Reading: “Know Her Words: Women’s Poetry from Around the World
The sessions will be held online as a closed, invitation-only meeting. Further details and technical information will be communicated to confirmed participants closer to the meeting.
The sessions will be recorded by the Secretariat for reporting purposes only and will not be broadcast or published later.
This meeting will be organised under the Chatham House Rule, and participants will not be allowed to record.
The sessions will be held in English only. Unfortunately, no interpretation can be provided. We apologise for this inconvenience.

Dialogues on War - Oksana Rozumna and Peter Godwin
On 24 February 2022, the armed forces of the Russian Federation carried out a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Since then, appalled by the violence unleashed by Russian forces against Ukraine, the international community has been expressing solidarity with writers, journalists, artists, and the people of Ukraine, condemning the invasion and calling for an immediate end to the bloodshed.
Launched by PEN International in March 2022, together with PEN Ukraine, the Ukrainian Institute, and the Ukrainian Institute London, #DialoguesOnWar is a series of conversations with Ukrainian and foreign intellectuals reflecting and sharing their observations on the experience of war.
Join us live on February 25 at 2pm UK time, for the 41st episode of #DialoguesOnWar with Oksana Rozumna, writer, philosopher, and Peter Godwin, writer.

The Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee video-poem marathon
The Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee (TLRC) of PEN International is proud to launch the third edition of “Video Poem Marathon”, a project aiming to give visibility to the work of writers expressing themselves in indigenous or minoritised languages.
Starting today February 21 (International Mother Language Day), and until March 21 (World Poetry Day), PEN International’s TLRC will publish poems written and recited in a variety of unknown but incredibly rich world languages.

International Mother Language Day: Take Action for Nobel Laureate Ales Bialiatski (Belarus)
Held every year on 21 February, International Mother Language Day is observed to promote linguistic and cultural diversity, and multilingualism.
To mark this anniversary, PEN International features the case of Belarusian writer, human rights defender, Nobel Peace Prize winner and PEN Belarus member Ales Bialiatski, detained since 2021 and currently on trial.