Writers for Peace and Women Writers 52nd Annual Meeting
Every spring the committee meets in Bled, Slovenia, for its annual conference
Writers for Peace and Women Writers Annual Meeting
Dear members of PEN centres all over the world,
I would like to let you know that due to the circumstances we postponed the International Meeting at Bled. Here is the new date for the meeting:
22nd to 25th of September 2020
We are extending the deadline for registration until the 1st of September. By the same date please send us your contributions for the collection of essays. We are not changing the titles for the round tables, but we are offering pages for your contemplative and creative responses to the virus: it took our strength – but not our determination to overcome it. We shall also prepare translations for the festival Faces for Peace. Please send us some poems, short stories etc. Literary events will be more appreciated than ever before.
Send us up to a page or two, please:
1. We are all Migrants: Literature in Exile
2. Violence in Literature – Metaphor or Reality
3. Coronavirus – my heartfelt response
Best wishes,
Ifigenija Simonović
22-25 September 2020
Slovene PEN Centre, one of the oldest PEN Centres in the world (93 years), has been hosting an International Writers' Meeting for half a century without fail. The meetings started in the harsh times of the Iron Curtain. Bled became a place where writers from the countries at war – cold or bloody – could meet. Unfortunately, as the world is not at peace, the need for an oasis for peaceful and inspiring connections is ever greater.
The Writers for Peace Committee (WfPC) was established at Bled. Here, at Bled, according to John Ralston Saul, is a think tank for the preparation of the annual PEN International yearly conference.
Usually the meeting will host 5 committees: WfPC, Women Writers Committee, Alpe Adria Net, Mediterranean net and Balkan Net.
Official languages: French, English, Slovenian.
For registration please send a completed Registration Form by September 1 to Slovene PEN:
Slovene PEN, Tomšičeva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
email: [email protected]
Contact person: Ifigenija Simonovich, President of Slovene PEN
email: [email protected]
Please find all the necessary information below:
Provisional program (ENG version)