Israel: Poet Dareen Tatour sentenced to five months in prison
Photo: CC BY-SA 4.0
31 July 2018
Available in Arabic: Word - PDF
PEN International strongly condemns the five-month prison sentence (with six months suspended) handed down to Dareen Tatour today by the Nazareth District Court. As Tatour has already served three months in jail, she is reportedly due to serve only the remaining two months, starting from the 8 August 2018. The organisation considers that Tatour has been targeted for peacefully exercising her right to free expression through poetry and activism.
Tatour, a Palestinian poet and citizen of Israel, was convicted by the Nazareth Court on 3 May 2018 on charges of incitement to violence and support for terror organisations. She has spent almost three years in jail or under house arrest since October 2015. Tatour’s conviction is mainly related to a video in which she recites one of her poems entitled: ‘Qawim ya sha’abi, qawimhum (Resist, my people, resist them).’
PEN International President Jennifer Clement, who met Dareen Tatour at her home in Nazareth last year, said: "Today PEN International stands with Dareen Tatour, as we have for the past torturous years of jail time, trials and house arrest, and defends freedom of expression and asks for her freedom. We stand with Tatour’s own words: poetry is not a crime".
PEN International has been campaigning to end the judicial proceedings and to ensure Tatour’s release for a couple of years.
To read PEN International’s interview with Tatour, click here.
For any further information, please contact Nael Georges, PEN International, Koops Mill Mews, 162-164 Abbey Street, London SE1 2AN | Tel: +44 (0) 207 405 0338 | Email: [email protected]