Resolutions - 84th Congress in Pune
Congress in session | Credit: Kelly Fliedner
Each year at the PEN International Congress, the PEN community passes resolutions on the most urgent developments concerning thematic and country situations in relation to freedom of expression and writers at risk. These resolutions form the basis of PEN’s policy positions on these issues and resolutions are used by our Centres around the world to advocate with their own governments to secure meaningful improvements for the situation of writers around the world.
Resolutions adopted by the Assembly of Delegates of PEN International, meeting at its 84th Congress in Pune, India, 25 to 29 September 2018.
Resolution on Apostasy And Freedom Of Expression
Resolution on Attacks Against Journalists And The Rise Of Xenophobia In Germany
Resolution on Climate Change And Environmental Activism
Resolution on Criminal Defamation In Africa
Resolution on Denuclearisation
Resolution on Gui Minhai China
Resolution on Make Space And Us Immigration Policy
Resolution on Stifling Of Digital Freedom
Resolution on the Bolivarian Republic Of Venezuela
Resolution on the Erosion Of Civil Liberties In Australia
Resolution on the Freedom Of Expression Situation In Cuba
Resolution on the Islamic Republic Of Iran
Resolution on the Kingdom Of Cambodia
Resolution on the People´s Republic Of China
Resolution on the Silencing Of Indigenous Voices In Australia
Resolution on the Socialist Republic Of Viet Nam
Resolution on the Use Of Chemical And Other Indiscriminate Weapons