Women Writers
Image: Getty Images
The function of freedom is to free someone else.
Toni Morrison
Writer & PEN Vice-President
The Women Writers’ Committee was set up in 1991 to promote certain issues faced by women writers around the world – challenges at family and national levels such as unequal education, unequal access to resources and actual prohibition from writing.
The committee reaches out to both aspiring and practising women writers through PEN Centres and other organisations and networks, and works with the Writers in Prison Committee on behalf of incarcerated or endangered women writers.
Representatives from the committee attend meetings of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. The committee has held conferences in countries such as Nepal, Kyrgyzstan and Senegal, and has published special newsletters. It uses Facebook to connect the work of women writers to the world.
For more information or to get involved with the Women Writers Committee please contact:
Zoe Rodriguez, Chair of the WWC - [email protected]
For a history of the Women Writers Committee click here: Women Writers Committee