Writers for Peace Committee statement on Serbian journalist Milan Jovanović

The WfPC of PEN International, in session in Bled, Slovenia, has on the 6th of April 2019 adopted the following Statement

The WfPC shares its concern with the Serbian writers over the attack on the journalist Milan Jovanović who, in December 2018, was shot at and his house burnt down following his articles, critical of government in independent Serbian media.

The WfPC condemns any attack on the journalists and considers the use of violence against the free press an impermissible act against the freedom of speech.

The WfPC sees the present situation in Serbia with its government clearly signalling to EU its readiness to further the country’s opening of the democratic processes as an opportunity to give space to free and unbiased reporting on the political developments in Serbia inclusive of the widespread demonstrations of the opposition parties demanding free elections and ending of the repression against the demonstrators.

The WfPC asks of both sides in the conflict to abstain from the use of violence in the forthcoming mass demonstrations and embrace the meaningful dialogue as the only way out in the present situation.


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