Resolutions: ongoing concerns

It is a matter of dismay and outrage that writers, scholars, poets, and academics continue to face persecution in Vietnam, Mexico, Turkey and China.

For the past several years, PEN International has raised concerns about the situation in these countries through resolutions at the annual congress, activism at the United Nations, statements in the media, civic demonstrations, and raised concerns at fora in many parts of the world. It is a matter of great shame that the situation has not changed substantially.

We, writers, poets, journalists, publishers and editors around the world, will continue to speak for our brothers and sisters facing persecution in these countries. We will not rest until they are free - free to think, free to write, free to express themselves, free to speak out. That is their fundamental human right, just as it is ours to read and listen to what they are saying.

In 1642, Richard Lovelace wrote To Althea, From Prison, which included the lines:

Stone Walls do not a Prison make, 
Nor Iron bars a Cage. 

Cages take many forms - intimidation takes place in a variety of ways. We shall continue to resist and defend those who speak truth to power.

We encourage you to read PEN International's resolutions on Vietnam, Mexico, Turkey and China, which were passed at the Congress in 2018 in Pune.


China: regarding the Swedish journalist Kurdo Baksi


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