Why Freedom of Expression Matters 

Image Credit: Roberk Brooks

Imagine a world where speaking your mind is a crime, where stories are silenced, and where truth is buried. For millions, this is reality, not simply imagination. Freedom of expression is the cornerstone of democracy, creativity, and justice. It empowers people to challenge power, share ideas, and hold the powerful to account. 

But this freedom is under constant threat. Across the globe, writers are jailed, censored, or killed for their words. That is where PEN International steps in—to defend those who dare to speak truth to power and protect the fundamental right to free expression. 

This principle is deeply rooted in international law: 

  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 19) states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” 

  • The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), ratified by over 170 countries, guarantees the right to free expression, underlining its importance for human dignity, democratic governance, and progress. 

  • Regional agreements like the European Convention on Human Rights (Article 10) and the American Convention on Human Rights (Article 13) also embed this right, recognising it as essential for societal freedom. 

Donate today and join us in defending this vital human right worldwide. 

For over a century, PEN International has been fighting to uphold these principles, providing a lifeline to writers at risk and ensuring that freedom of expression is not just a promise on paper but a reality for all. 

Despite these protections, violations persist. Governments manipulate laws, impose censorship, and use threats and violence to silence dissenting voices. At the same time, misinformation, disinformation, censorship by social media companies, and the misuse of artificial intelligence create new barriers to truth and freedom, compounding the risks to free expression worldwide.